Thursday, May 31, 2007

Little Taiwan

Little Taiwan 台湾小吃 is the place, located at Mid Valley level 3, just next to the Bowling Ally.

The huge poster hang on the wall. This restaurant specialised in all sort of beef cuisine (Taiwan style).

Oh really??

Most of the seats were occupied

There's a counter locate at the side of the restaurant which sells Taiwan's famous drinks - Pearl Tea 珍珠奶茶

Table and the chairs, brings me back to the old China

Taiwan style coffee + english tea 台湾鸳鸯


Chocolate pearl tea 朱古力奶茶


Thin slices of beef shank 牛腱


Braised pork noodles 五香肉面

RM8. I don't want 噢辣椒屎,so I ordered 清汤.

Spicy braised pork noodles 麻辣五香肉面

RM 8.90. My goodness, can you see those chilli oil flooding on the top?

Fried dumpling 煎窝贴

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 fried dumplings for RM8.

Little Taiwan's Ah Fa fried tofu 阿花豆腐

RM 4.80. It’s quite small portion as compare with Halo’s,
but cheaper lor...

It's smaller and tasted different from Halo's Ah Fa tofu. But I prefer Halo's recipe, taste more juicy and got 口感.

I would say the price is affordable, average and fair. Some even more cheapter then other 茶餐厅.

Gosh.. it's 11:30pm, and this restaurant still flooded with people moutain people sea 人山人海 . Maybe they are waiting for the movie, and have no where to go because all shops are closed. Just my jealous guess.

仁师傅 rating : 6/10


JET said...

I used to go there to buy a cup of pearl tea. (take away)

Token said...

Not bad lah, can be given next time.

The next door, Little Manilla or something also one of my favourite!

Voon Chean, 文铨 said...

For me I'll be little strict, disqualified.

y@n said...

VC, with this price you paid, tha't what you going to get lor.. can't ask for more laa..

C.C, Yea, nex time will try out next door.

Jet, do u still buy pearl tea frm thm?