Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mum's blessing to us

Before she goes to sleep, she called us (me and my brother) to her room. She hold our hands beside her and she bless us with her prayer.

She prayed for:

  • God guide and guard our heart in every aspect
  • Our career in climbing the corporate ladder
  • We have more time attending Cell Group, to serving God, active in church and also grow in God's words
  • God prepare us with a suitable partner, who's also a Christian.
  • We take care of ourselves, each other and also look after our father.

We thank her by giving her bear hug and say good night to her. Tomorrow she'll be amitted to hospital for medication attention.

Mum's update - 28 Sept 08

Today we had a marathon group visit. And again, God has sustained my mother in her physical strength and she was able to share her very last few words and her faith in the Lord with all.

Here's the
visitor groups during the day:

(6) Bro and sis from KL Gospel Hall Mandarin congregation.
(7) Bro and sis from KL Gospel Hall Cantonese congregation.
(8) Antie Y.C family with friends from FGA
(9) 文橋 - 黃子 and others
(10) Bro and sis from KL Gospel Hall English congregation.
(11) Group of friends who went to Cameron Highlands with Mum and Dad.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mum's update - 27 Sept 08

God has sustained my mother in her physical strength and her faith in the Lord. We had quite a few groups of visitor after her letter has been sent out on Friday, 26 Sept 08. My mother was able to share her very last few words with all.

Here's our visitor groups during the day:

(1) Sook Teng from Gasing Heights
(2) FGA Ladies group - Debbie, Lee Har, Katherine and etc
(3) 楊百合,太太 and friends
(4) 包以靈,卓如燕 and friends
(5) 群楓, Brian and friends

Friday, September 26, 2008

A message from my mum to all her friends

Dear Bros & Sis,

Doctor confirmed that I have 1- 2 weeks. Anytime from now I could enter into coma suffering severe toxicity from my own body. I wish to break this news to you as you are part of my family in Christ.

God is still in control even though at the moment there is no sign of turning of my illness. God had my soul saved. So the victory over sin is won. My soul will soon enter eternity in Glory. Whether my body will be restored to health is no more an issue. Cancer may have defeated and destroyed it but Satan can’t touch my soul a single bit. Nothing can separate me from the LOVE of GOD, to echo Paul’s words.

As for me, in life or death, my purpose is to serve HIM.

God answered my prayer. The book launch on 15 September was well attended with the main hall packed. It is my desire that God may use the books to enter the hearts and souls of those who need the Love and Peace that could only come from God. Please use them for His sake.

Thank you for the loving and long standing acquaintances we built in Christ. Thanks for your encouragement and care and I feel them deeply. May all Glory be to HIM and HIM alone.

I wish to see some of my dear friends while I’m still alert and may it be very soon. Please contact William.

Meanwhile my family values your continual prayer support.

God bless,

Rosemary (alias Crystal)
(Mrs. William Wong)


醫生証實我的時間不多,可能就是一兩個星期, 很快體内毒素會使我要進入昏迷狀況中,與我主見面就近了。我將這消息告訴你們是因爲你們是我主内的家人,你們也是我重要的禱告勇士。

雖然我的病惡化到末期看不到會好轉,但神仍然在掌權。我靈魂得救,戰勝了罪的毒鈎,我靈要進到永恒榮耀裏。至於我患病的肉體還會得著神的醫治與否, 那已經不再是重要的事了。癌可以戰勝我的肉體,但魔鬼卻絲毫不能侵佔我的靈魂。沒有一樣東西可以將神的愛與我隔絕,這是保儸弟兄說的話。阿們!




雖然我沒氣力跟你們長談,但我想趁還神志清醒,希望能見你們這班禱告勇士一面, 要快。請跟炳文聯絡。



Friday, September 19, 2008

Mum's new book launch, dad speech

叶玉昭新书发布感恩会, 黄炳文致谢词.


除了谢谢上帝,我们也要谢谢为这本书奔走的文桥总干事 - 黄子弟兄及文桥文字部主任晨砚姐妹,文桥众同工,及今晚在台上鼓励玉昭的朋友们。同时,也要谢谢各位拨时间出席。

玉昭的身体还是很弱, 但相信上帝会慢慢医治她。上帝的应许,从不落空,祂口中所出的话,决不徒然返回。愿一切荣耀都归给我们全能的上帝!

Our God is indeed a God who works wonders. This (signaling the book) was merely a dream two months ago. But now, it is a dream come true. Praise be to Our God.

Besides thanking God who made all these possible, we have to thank Brother Wang Zi – Editor in chief of Wen Qiao, Sister Chen Yan, the rest of the staff in Wen Qiao, and friends whom with your speeches encouraged Rosemary greatly.
And of course, we would like to thank every single one of you for joining us tonight, making it extra special for me and my family.

Although Rosemary is still rather weak at the moment, but we have faith in God’s healing power. For the words that came out from His mouth will never return to Him void, thus this is the promise that we cling on to.

May all the glory be to our awesome God.

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Rosemary Yap's New book launch and thanks giving service.

Mum's new book launch speech


199712月我患了乳癌,当时医生说能活过五年的机会只有 30%,但我却奇迹般的活了下来,直到 20068月,癌病转移到肺,又打了一场仗。这场仗,我没输,癌症也没赢,一直服药控制着。

到了今年3月,癌症又卷土重来,占居了我的骨头,肝脏。当医生和我看到 CT scan 中一片乌云似的肝脏,医生也摇头。这场仗,要打吗? 将是一场艰苦的硬仗!

做了两次化疗,不但没有好转,反将肝脏再一步破坏!医生忙喊停。他说了一句病人听了绝望的话 “There is very little we can do”. 就好像粤语残片中,医生对病人的亲人说:他时日无多,他要吃什么,就让他吃,要去哪里, 就带他去吧!

回家后想到医生的话:very little we can do. 但我知道有一位医生,HE can do great Things FOR me. 他就是耶和华拉法,全能的医治者,我所信靠的神,祂为我开的药方,全都在这里!

你问我怕吗?有时怕到骨头都消溶。沮丧吗? 沮丧得想放弃,常有负面的思想攻击 – “肝癌,哪有这么易医治? 但神的应许,清清楚楚的记载在圣经一直支撑我,安慰我,鼓励我。


当我感到孤单无助时,以赛亚书 41:10 成为我的支撑

不要惊惶, 因为我是你的神
我必坚固你, 我必帮助你


神必坚固我, 神必帮助我,


出埃及记 23:30,英文圣经如此记载:

Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increase enough to take possession of the Lord.

神的工作有时也是 little by little, 一点一点,渐渐在进行。Little by little, 祂会将癌症赶走,直到我康复后承受那地为荣。那地,在我来讲, 是什么呢? 诗篇11817节说:




我不是一个坚毅的人,是祂使我刚强,我是一个很缺乏安全感的人, 是祂教我信靠。

1. 是有精神写
2. 所写的是荣耀上帝,传扬祂作为的文章。


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Rosemary Yap's New book launch and thanks giving service

Thursday, September 18, 2008

2008 超低能,劲搞笑 - 大马政治电影颁奖礼

Received this message from my friend. Felt very funny but true, so here I risking my life and share this with you guys.

最佳导演: 安华《916之梦》
最佳男主角: 伯拉《梦中人》
最佳女主角: 郭素沁《监狱风云之火箭十三妹》
最佳男配角: 阿末伊斯迈《寄人篱下》
最佳女配角: 陈云清《洗冤录3》
最佳新人: 赛夫《股惑仔之后庭开花》
最具人气: 柏特拉《光头博客》
最佳外国电影 / 最佳编剧 / 最佳特效 / 最佳剪接: 纳吉《人肉叉烧包之蒙古碎尸》
最佳本土电影: 《林甘正传》
最佳成人电影: 《老蔡传奇之同一个房间》
最佳悬疑片: 《C+侦探之一切由失踪开始》
最佳恐怖片: 《午夜凶令之ISA》
最佳旅游宣传片: 《远走高飞之台湾考察团》
最佳电影主题曲: 行动党 《改变》
最佳服装设计: 黄燕燕 《透明睡衣》
终身成就奖: 马哈迪 《黑马王子之重出江湖》
评审团: 大马人民

18PL :
For 18+ with non-excessive sex scenes and with political/ religious/ counter-culture elements
Best read with parents guidance, if you don't understand, you can ask your parents ma...right?
I have no intention to disturb the community, I believe I don't have such big influence lor...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mum's new book launch newspaper cutting

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mum's new book launch + thanks giving 新书发布感恩会

Rosemary Yap's New book launch and thanks giving service,

Gospel Hall Kuala Lumpur,

Date & Time:
15th Sept 2008, Monday, 8:00pm - 9:00pm

New Book Title:

The Youth Bookstore
(Singapore), 青年书局 (新加坡)

Books published earlier:
Year 2000 - Since it's Me (既然是我)
Year 2003 - The Other Side of The 30% (30% 那一边).
Note: If you're interested to purchase a copy of these books, please leave me a message.