Monday, October 15, 2007

Crazy Canon in D

哪,中乐+西乐=周董嘅 style。在乐坛上,他创造咗新歌路,带起一股新作风和新鲜感。最近,F.I.R 发新专辑,里面嘅主打歌 - 月牙湾,都喺跟下周生嘅半唐番路线。

依家,我就介绍大家另一个超劲嘅新音乐配合 = 中乐(琵琶) + 劲痴线街舞 + Hip Hop。你地一定没听/睇过,谢谢观赏。

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The 1st time I saw this clip was in the church morning service.
Finally I found it in youtube, and would like to share it with you guys.

Please pay full attention on this clip, watch few more times if you don't get it.
Part of the lyric went like this:

A child just arrived the other day,
He came to the world in the usual way.
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay.
He learn to walk when I was away.
And he was talking before I knew it, and as he grew,
He'd say,"I'm gonna be like you, dad. You know I'm gonna be like you.

Children see, children do.
Please behave yourselves in front of the little one.
Be a good example, make your influence positive and educate the next generation.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

[MV] F.I.R. - 月牙灣 (完整版)

By: F.I.R

Verse 1
敦煌古墓的沙粒 带着我们的际遇
我从半路看回去 这秦关漫漫好蜿踞

Verse 2
梦想穿过了西域 包含了多少的缠意
爱情像一本游记 我会找寻它的密语

看..月牙湾下的泪光 在丝路之上被遗忘

是谁的心啊孤单的留下 他还好吗我多想爱他
那永恒的泪那一句话 也许可能蒸发

是谁的爱啊又为谁降下 轻声呼唤就让我融化
那一滴雨水演化成我翅膀 向着我爱的人追吧

* Verse 2
* Bridge
* Chorus
* Repeat Chorus